Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Hiie again,

Okay.. so Hazel's has let him go. She's not HANGING ON anymore.
So. That means I gotta
compose a new SONG! Dedicated to how it felt
after letting him go. AAA~! This life is full


Maybe I'll name the song, BREAK APART.
Hmm.. It's gonna be GREAT!


Kurt Evans
.you're the sweet lil princess, im after.

1:42 AM


Sunday, January 29, 2006

Hey all,

Me back. Sorry for not updating in a long time.
Btw, I am have updated a new set of lyrics but its not
LIVE YOUR DREAMS, because uuh... I haven't
finished it yet.

But I made another set of lyrics done by me
and Hazel. It's titled.. wait a minute..


Sounds kinda dumb but it's a secret that
not many people know. It's HAZEL's SECRET,
and I have given you all a clue about
what Hazel is thinking.

Ssshh.... shouldn't let Hazel see me writing this.
She'll kill me...

Signing out - kurT.

Kurt Evans
.you're the sweet lil princess, im after.

5:05 AM


Friday, January 13, 2006

Hey all, missed me?

Nah, maybe not. It's been a while since I've touched the computer. >.<
Finally my waiting has come to an end. Well, I'm going to update a new set of lyrics
" LIVE YOUR DREAMS ". A song about how we all should keep our spirits high,
and never in your life GIVE UP.

Well, I have to go right now because I have other stuff to do.
I'm quite busy nowadays.

Signing out -kurT-

Kurt Evans
.you're the sweet lil princess, im after.

5:35 AM


Monday, January 02, 2006

Finally updated my next set of lyrics. Check it out.
Hey why dont you guys go see it. I guess its gonna

Oh wells, comment on it guys.

Signing out - kurT -

Kurt Evans
.you're the sweet lil princess, im after.

2:34 AM

Evening everyone.

Just bought three new Gameboy Advance GamePaks ( THEY COST SO MUCH THAT MUM'S GONNA CUT DOWN ON MY ALLOWANCE!! ),

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories ( KHCOM )
Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament (K2)
Sims Bustin' Out ( SBO )

Overall, the gameplays are GREAT. KHCOM gives me an RPG feeling. THis game has awesome graphics and you use CARDS to battle the HEARTLESS. KHCOM allows you to control Sora. A brown-haired softie who is known
as the Keyblade Master wielding a Keyblade with help from his friends,
Donald and Goofy ( Yes, them, the duck and the Goofy, you know. )
They started out in Castle Oblivion where Sora's adventure began. He lost his memories bit by bit. Only to remember that he had promised someone dear to him,
that he will protect her from anything. They also need to fight bosses like, Ursula from the Little Mermaid, Captain Hook from Peter Pan and more! o.0 .. After completing the game.
You can continue by using his friend who WAS consumed by darkness, Riku,
you can control him and finish his side of the story.

K2 is a great game too. A 2D- side scrolling game with great graphics.
Easy to control, you only need to solve a lot of MIND-BREAKING puzzles
which can make you WORST than a RETARD! You'll be controlling Klonoa,
a cute some sort of cat with oversized ears, wearing a cap and overalls, going
through obstacles and fight of Moos. Like in any other game, there is always a
rival. In this case, its Gantz, a gold- digger and a legendary adventurer.

SBO is also another great game. Like any other Sims game. You get to control
a guy or a girl and you can go around impressing dudes or chics. Kiss them, hug them,
buy them stuff. There also quests given and BOY THEY ARE EASY AT FIRST.. soon
they will be like WHAT THE FCUK! ITS DAMN HARD!! ( Trust me.. ) You will inherit
Simoleans ( The game's currency.. ) , houses from a stinky old barn to a MANSION
and more!!


Heh.. sorry. I got carried away. My mum's gonna kill me. Wasted so much money,
but then the game RAWKZ. =X

Signing out - kurT -

Kurt Evans
.you're the sweet lil princess, im after.

1:25 AM


x._hi-tech: kurt's tablet.

.x___ kurt. || rahman.
.x__ rank: internationalHOTTIE. :p
.x___ maple_helmet@msn.com.
.x__ leo club of unity eagles.
.x___ leo club director.
.x__ unity sec.
.x___ unitian.
.x__ sec 2E6.
.x___ 13 going on 14.
.x__ 141092.
.x___ single.
.x__ ex- cckps boy.
.x___ Monkey.
.x__ Libra.
.x___ I am worth $ 1,998,916.

x.--------------------+++------------------ x.__kurt likes.

.x__ HER.
.x___ I love anything BREADY!.
.x__ WAFFLES!.
.x___ Daydreaming.
.x__ Jesse McCartney.
.x___ Westlife.
.x__ Backstreet Boys.
.x___ Books of R.A. Salvatore.
.x__ Composing lyrics.
.x___ Drawing manga.
.x__ SOCCER! || playing DEFENDER.
.x___ Making loads of friends!.
.x__ Psst.. singing. xD.

x.--------------------+++------------------ x.__ fanfics portal.

Twilight Friends.
Forever Angels.
Fog of Love I: Element Heroes. COMPLETED.
Fog of Love II: The Sacred Crusade.
Troubled Hearts.

x.--------------------+++------------------ x.__ neighbourhood portal.
x.__ Leaving so soon? Hope you enjoy your stay. :Dx.


x._memory channel.

December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 December 2006

x.__taggie pod

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